Now create a scenario like the one shown in the image below, using the Electric Field model. First, create a dipolar field with a positive source charge and a negative source charge, and then run your model by placing test-protons along the three lines shown in the image: A (left), B (middle) & C (right). Place test-charges at various positions along the three lines.
To create a dipolar field by using the model:
1) Click SETUP then GO
2) Click ADD POSITIVE + SOURCE CHARGE. Drag the positive source to the right side of the black box, as it is in the picture.
2) Click ADD NEGATIVE - SOURCE CHARGE. Drag the negative source to the left side of the black box, as it is in the picture.
3) In the CREATE drop-down menu choose test-protons.
4) Click in the black box on numerous positions along the three lines shown in the picture to test protons in the space you've created. Make sure to test many protons along these lines. Observe how the test proton charges behave in the space (based on where they started) and how the electric field lines are drawn.